Importance of Networking


We have all heard the common phrase that getting started in your career is “all about who you know.” This is very often the case in the allied healthcare industry. Making connections in the allied healthcare world can greatly benefit you in the future and networking with people in various specialties can help you when you least expect it.

As you begin a job hunt in the allied healthcare world, keep these five tips in mind to boost your networking efforts:Networking and job hunting should always go hand in hand. When employers are hiring, they typically start by asking existing staff if they know anyone that they can refer. When a referral comes from an existing employee, there is an added level of trust as the candidate has already been pre-screened. It can also save the employer the time and energy of a lengthy job hunt.

1. Attend College sponsored events. Next time a speaker or expert is coming to campus, be sure to attend. Make an effort to meet the speaker – they may have insights that could help you reach your career goals. They may even be able to point you in the direction of someone you may benefit from meeting or working for.

2. Set up informational interviews. While many people hesitate to do this, sitting down and buying a cup of coffee for an expert in your desired field is an excellent way to network and develop job leads.

3. Get involved in professional associations and clubs. Through these, attend any networking opportunities available. You never know when you will meet someone who can help you develop your career.

4. Utilize employment resource centers. Some of these centers even have job developers who are great at seeking out unadvertised job leads. Get to know these individuals, as they can become excellent job lead sources.

5. Volunteer. This can not only be a great way to boost your resume and gain valuable experience, but volunteering can be a great way to learn about opportunities in your field of work.

To learn more about getting your start in the rewarding field of allied healthcare, visit

Information in this blog post is accurate as of August 8, 2013.