Celebrate Health Information Professionals Week!

Health & Wellness

The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) will honor and celebrate health information professionals during the 25th annual Health Information Professionals (HIP) Week, March 16‒22, 2014. This year’s theme is “Transforming Healthcare with Information.”

“The work health information management (HIM) professionals do to ensure the integrity of health information is imperative to clinical and administrative decision making. Access to accurate information helps all of us make important decisions and leads to a healthy society,” said AHIMA CEO Lynne Thomas Gordon, MBA, RHIA, CAE, FACHE, FAHIMA. “AHIMA’s Health Information Professionals Week spotlights the important role HIM professionals play in our healthcare system.”

Health Information student on computerHIP Week 2014 will coincide with AHIMA’s Hill Day, an event where AHIMA members visit Capitol Hill and share the importance of advancing health information management (HIM). Information governance, privacy and security, and fraud and abuse concerns continue to be key issues for HIM professionals, and AHIMA is ready to provide guidance to the healthcare industry and government leaders seeking counsel.

“AHIMA’s vision is a world in which healthcare decisions are informed by instant access to intelligence,” said Thomas Gordon. “In this vision, data is a critical asset. This year’s theme, ‘Transforming Healthcare with Information,’ describes the future we want to see and reminds us that HIM professionals’ work is supporting quality of care and population health today.”

As the focus in healthcare shifts from the ability to collect data to using information effectively, healthcare organizations will continue to depend on HIM professionals as leaders in this area. With their expertise in management of information, as well as data integrity and analytics, health information professionals are well positioned to move the healthcare industry into a transformed future.

Arizona College will also be celebrating their Health Information programs by having tables set up promoting Health Information with daily activities and topics.  Students and staff are encouraged to stop by to show your support…learn more about the role that we each play in the puzzle of Health Information!  If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Wilfong, Program Director at: hwilfong@azcollegeold.local.

Wanting to make a change in your future?  Are you interested in Medical Billing and Coding (Health Information)? Contact Arizona College today to learn more about our Allied Health degree and diploma programs offered at our Glendale and Mesa campuses.

Information in this blog post is accurate as of March 17, 2014.